Visiting a new salon can be scary!
Let us put your mind at ease......
Whether you are new to the area, haven't found a stylist to connect with, or are looking for guidance on sensitive concerns ~ we are here to help!
Join your new salon home in four easy steps!
With so many services to offer, having a specialist ensures you are working with someone that caters to your specific needs! Each of us continues to master our craft, in an effort to stay fresh, educated, and doing what we do best.....helping you feeling amazing (both inside and out).
Click here to meet our team and find a Specialist that resonates best with you!

To alleviate stress, and remove the guess work,
here are several "New Guest Options" to pick from, for your first visit with Rene'.

ONE - Consultation
Concerned with thinning, hair-loss, or scalp issues? Let's take a deeper look and find solutions.
1A- Trichology Consult - $150
1B - Hair Replacement Consult - $150
1C - Extended Consult - $200
TWO - Color and Cut​​
Touch-up your roots and/or cover grey. Includes a conditioning color, relaxing steam shampoo, condition, haircut, blow-dry, and hot tool style.
$213 (additional cost for super thick hair and/or excessively grown out roots)

THREE - Partial-Foil and Cut
Add brightness and/or dimension to your hairline, top, and crown. Choose highlights to brighten your color, lowlights for deeper tones, or a little bit of both. Includes a conditioning color, relaxing steam shampoo, condition, haircut, blow-dry, and hot tool style.
$243 (additional cost for 2 or more colors, super thick hair, and/or excessively grown out roots)
FOUR - Haircut and Blow-dry/Style
Clean-up your current style or change up your look. Includes a relaxing steam shampoo, condition, haircut, blow-dry, and hot tool style.

Step Three: Schedule an Appointment!
Please note-Online booking is ONLY available with Rene' at this time;
continue scrolling to schedule with one of our other specialists.....
Click the "Book Now" button to find a time with Rene' that best fits your needs. You will be immediately directed to my online booking page, so you can schedule an appointment at your convenience, 24/7. Since this will be your first visit, please be sure to choose one of my "NEW GUEST OPTIONS", to ensure I have plenty of time scheduled for you!
If you are needing more help, or just can't find a time that works for you, message me through the "Contact Us" button below and I will help answer any questions you have!

Looking to book with one of our other specialists? No problem..... Just click the appropriate button below to connect with them directly!
Step Four: Prepare for your Visit!
You'll receive confirmation of your appointment, within 24 hours M-F, along with a reminder the day before you're scheduled to come in.
I also send a few emails, with important information regarding your visit, so keep a watch on your inbox (or spam folder just in case).
Included in your first email will be a "Digital Consultation Form", that I require filled out before you arrive. This allows me to best prepared for our visit.
Last, but not least, arrive to your appointment relaxed and ready to be taken care of. I can’t wait to meet you!